Wills & Trusts

Have you got a will yet? If not why not?
Whether you get this from Emerald Finance or an alternative source, having a valid will is vital if you hold any assets. Without it your assets may not go to those you care about and in the worst case could end up going to the Crown.
To see what happens with your assets after your death if you do not have a will in place, click here. Even if you are happy with this route, a will can be a useful tool to ensure that you can apportion your wealth as desired or as part of an inheritance tax planning exercise.
If you have children it's important to appoint Guardians and Trustees so that in the event of your death your children are looked after by those you choose, rather than going into social care.
If you have an unmarried partner or step children, unless you have a will in place these people may not benefit from your assets, so having a valid will in place can help take the worry away from your loved ones at their most vulnerable time.
Some of the above products and services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.